2007年11月9日 星期五


近日,英國電視四頻道(Channel 4)廣受歡迎的節目《沒有被報導過的世界》(Unreported World)播出一部反映中國問題的新聞記錄片《中共的奧運謊言》(China's Olympic Lie)。片中,記者實地採訪了國家信訪辦門前的訪民,奧運強制拆遷戶,北京郊區專門關押訪民的黑監獄等,向人們揭示了一個中共當局不希望看到的真實的中國。


1 則留言:

匿名 提到...

I watched the programme when it was on last month. I really feel sorry for Chinese people even though I don't like their goverment at all.

No wonder Will Hutton said that the reasons for the growth of China's economy was based on lies and corruption. How can a country treat their own people like that.